

In 2023 Minnesota implemented legislative language that applies to school libraries. In response, the Northwest Service Cooperative created a groundbreaking year-long group program designed to support our regional districts in meeting this new language.

Participating school librarians met both in person and virtually throughout regular sessions during the school year. Led by a licensed school media specialist, this amazing group worked its way through each legislative point, applied a comprehensive toolkit to share with their administrators, and exchanged ideas and resources to increase student (and teacher) library learning and engagement.

This course is a distillation of that focus group's journey. It provides the legislative library toolkit that addresses each legislative language piece.

Shout-Out to the Mastermind Group

Special thanks and recognition go to the amazing librarians who piloted the program! You can learn from, and share with, these folks within our expanding Library Professional Network:

  • Amber G.
  • Megan H.
  • Lisa K.
  • Amber M.
  • Kelsey R.
  • Karrie K.
  • Lori H.
  • Julie B.

Much appreciation goes out to these first-year member school districts:

  • Nevis
  • Lancaster
  • Win-E-Mac
  • Laporte
  • Mahnomen
  • Marshall County Central
  • Red Lake Falls
  • Fosston

For more information about participating in the NWSC's Library Professional Network, please contact Gina Drellack at

Next Up

Now let's look at the state language and descriptions that we are working with concerning your school's library.

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